Solve. Secure. Evolve.

Founder, Scott RakestrawScott Rakestraw has been delivering technology as a service for nearly 4 decades.  After earning a Bachelor Degree in Communication, specializing in mass media, Scott’s early career was a mix of radio, publishing and television supporting technology for font-line team members and senior corporate executives

Scott has worked for major media outlets including, Mediabase Research, Cox Broadcasting, Paramount Television Stations and CBS Television.  He has also  been a team leader in publishing, serving as the Research Director at Monday Morning Replay and the Senior Technical Support Analyst for Gale Research (now Cengage).

“Working in the media was a great place to learn how the world and the world of business operates- how to work with a team to accomplish a mission.” says Rakestraw.  “I learned many things living in the corporate world but I was always searching for some meaning to the work.”

The search lead Scott directly into to public service roles.  He has served as Telecommunications Manager for The Library Network and as a Senior Technology Project Manager for public libraries. He founded “Save Your” in 1998 and to help fine organizations, specifically non-profits implement and deliver technology solutions.

“People get overwhelmed by technology. When you have the right partner, you’ll never have to ‘Sweat the Tech’.”

“” is a Michigan based consulting firm specializing in Technology Project Management, Solution Design, System Architecture and Staff Development.